7:00 AM: Breakfast–usually kite hill almond milk yogurt, vans organic blueberry waffle + fruit of choice (banana, halo or blueberries)
Play downstairs, read books, etc
9:00 AM: snack–crackers + fruit
Play outside, playground, walk the dogs, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, etc
11:30 AM: Lunch–deli meat or peanut butter sandwich with vegetables and/or fruit and crackers
12:00 PM: Nap ?
1:30-2 PM: Wake + play/run errands/get out of the house–usually has a small snack or another 1/2 cup of almond milk
3:30 PM: Smoothie–her favorite is spinach, banana, peanut butter + almond milk
More outside play time/sensory play/craft
5:30/6 PM: Dinner–whatever we eat!
6:30 PM: Bath, books + prayers
7:00 PM: Bedtime
I added in some of her typical meals + snacks, you’ll notice she eats a lot + often–she’s my chunky little butterball ?
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me… I’d love to know what’s going on with you + your babe!
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