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WEEKLY RECAP: Plants from Amazon, Lower Body Strength + HIIT Workout + more!

This week was a busy one. I am nearing the end of my real estate course so I’ve been pouring most of my energy into that BUT I wanted round up a few things from the week for you guys!

DISCLAIMER– this post contains affiliate links for which I may receive a small commission should you purchase through them. These links don’t change the price for you but I greatly appreciate your support as the funds go back into keeping Figs + Freedom up and running!


In just 20-minutes, we will warm up, strengthen the lower body with 2 dumbbell circuits, train your endurance with a bodyweight HIIT circuit and cool down with some stretching.

What you’ll need:

Dumbbells – between 10-25 lbs (I’m using 15’s here – you can go lighter or heavier or omit the weights all together).

Exercise/yoga mat – not necessary but it’s helpful depending on the type of floor you’re working out on.

Loop resistance/booty band – all exercises can be done without the band if you don’t have one.


Warm up circuit (:40/:20)
-squat + reach
-banded walking squat w/ calf raise
-cross jacks
-banded fire hydrants (r)
-banded fire hydrants (l)

Strength circuit (:40/:20) x2
-goblet squats
-split stance rdl (r)
-split stance rdl (l)
-reverse lunge + press
-kneeling squats

HIIT circuit (:40/:20)
-walking plank jacks
-sumo pulse
-scissor squat
-mountain climbers
-banded glute bridges

Cool Down


Patrick ordered me a set of 3 air purifying house plants from Amazon and I am so impressed with the quality! For just $43, I got 3 plants with containers that are made from 100% recycled material and they have holes for water drainage. They came well taken care of and so far are doing well adapting to their new home 🙂

Get the exact plants + recycled containers here!

I Hope you enjoyed this recap and have a wonderful weekend!


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