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Char’s 15-month Schedule

  • I’ll be honest, as a first time mommy, I am constantly googling and searching the Internet for basically EVERYTHING ? SO, as Char is coming up on 15 months, I wanted to share her schedule for those of you who are like me + always looking for inspiration. This is what works for us, but if you’re a momma then you know, what works for one kiddo doesn’t work for all. Just do what works best for you and your family!
  • We established a schedule for Char around 3 months based on her patterns. We pretty much observed her sleep and hunger cues and just guided them into a consistent routine that also fit into our lives. Obviously her schedule has continued to evolve as she has gone from breastfeeding to just food and from 2 naps to 1 nap. Now that we’ve gotten the hang of this newly adapted schedule, I’m sure she will find a way to switch it up on us–that’s usually how it works ? but really, we will probably have this one for a while because I don’t see her dropping her naps any time soon!
  • Charlotte really thrives off of a schedule and loves the consistency + routine. However, we are not complete sticklers. I don’t like to stray too far from her normal nap time or bed time because if her sleep gets thrown off then so does mine and momma NEEDS her sleep!! However, there are circumstances where if we’re out past our normal time we just skip bath and push bed time back a little and it’s usually no prob! Adapt or die, right? ?
  • Anywho, her current schedule is as follows,
  • 15-Month Schedule
  • 6:30 AM: wake up + 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 7:00 AM: Breakfast–usually kite hill almond milk yogurt, vans organic blueberry waffle + fruit of choice (banana, halo or blueberries)

    Play downstairs, read books, etc

    9:00 AM: snack–crackers + fruit

    Play outside, playground, walk the dogs, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, etc

    11:30 AM: Lunch–deli meat or peanut butter sandwich with vegetables and/or fruit and crackers

    12:00 PM: Nap ?

    1:30-2 PM: Wake + play/run errands/get out of the house–usually has a small snack or another 1/2 cup of almond milk

    3:30 PM: Smoothie–her favorite is spinach, banana, peanut butter + almond milk

    More outside play time/sensory play/craft

    5:30/6 PM: Dinner–whatever we eat!

    6:30 PM: Bath, books + prayers

    7:00 PM: Bedtime

    I added in some of her typical meals + snacks, you’ll notice she eats a lot + often–she’s my chunky little butterball ?

    If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me… I’d love to know what’s going on with you + your babe!

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